The appeal Christ made to His followers to come apart and rest a while (Mark 6:31) is probably even more actual today then it was when it was first uttered. If the last century was called “the high speed age”, this one would justifiably be called the stress age.
In order to face all […]

Between October 13-16, 2011 the Campus in Porumbacu hosted a practical course of detoxification that had 30 students. They did physical exercises, went hiking, used juice diet and mainly raw food diet; they attended orientation and counseling programme, spiritual counseling and guidance.
Around the campfire, during their hiking, or around the table, while having some juice, they had the opportunity to share experiences and start friendships, most of them leaving the place happy and willing to come back as soon as possible for similar programmes. […]

After some busy days (of the Youth Convention and Graduation of the Emmanuel Missionary Institute students), part of the young people decided to have some time off at the Camp in Porumbacu, enjoying the snow that was falling right then… A cup of hot herbal tea and some moments spent beside the welcoming warmth of a heated stove drove away the cold they had accumulated outside and […]